Title: Endgame: An Insurgency on Wall Street
Author: Sheelah Kolhatkar
Genre: Non-fiction, Finance, Real events
Published: 2023
Invested money was likely to appreciate much more rapidly than income in the future, which would only increase the gap in wealth between those who already had money and those who didn’t
- Thomas Piketty (Capital in the Twenty-First Century)
Endgame narrates the events surrounding the short squeeze and unprecedented rise in the share price of Game Stop stock in 2021.
This is a short volume. The subject is interesting, the protagonists are interesting, there is lot of history built up, it is a fight of the underdog against a rigged system. And yet, somehow the book just falls flat. The narrative seems abandoned and hurriedly finished at the same time. While we learn about a few characters, the book seems more like an extended trailer rather than an entire movie!
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