Tuesday, December 06, 2022

BookMarks #108: Dying To Meet You

Title: Dying To Meet You
Author: Rich Amooi
Genre: Fiction
Published: 2019

The book presents an interesting premise, showing all the crests and troughs that life can present in one go. Liz wins a huge lottery, and a few days later is diagnosed with a life-threatening disease with minimal survival chances. While waiting for a donor, she decides to knock a few places off her bucket list, all in private charter flight. The journey takes her from Peru to Kenya to France while also meeting the new love of her life. Then things go astray, but everything ends up well. And they all lived happily ever after.

After an interesting beginning, the story becomes contrived, and especially the ending which is abrupt and is too contrived even for a pure work of fiction!

Does give a glimpse of some of the challenges faced, when you suddenly have more money than what you know what to do with it. And a peep into the super-luxurious life which only the uber-rich can afford! 

Previously on BookMarks: How To Win Friends & Influence People 

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