Thursday, January 04, 2018

Goodbye Twenty17

Its time when calendars are changed. As we begin another year, its time to take a step back and look at the year gone by, before the madcap pace of life catches up.

The Year MMXVII A.D. was quite an eventful one. The signs were there at the very beginning. At the stroke of the midnight hour, as the world celebrated and cheered the arrival of a new year, me ran helter-skelter hunting for the Uber which would take me home from the airport. A home which during the course of the year had a change of address as well. Guess, those early moments set up the tone for the year, which was filled with lots of commuting! Flights, Taxis, Buses, Trains - long and short and many!

The commuting time increased. To pass it, cultivated new hobbies, like catching Pokemon on the roads. But after some time, the attraction wore off and it was just a drain on the battery. Then discovered the Raj Comics App for reliving those childhood memories. And finally moved on YouTube lectures – benefits of a 4G connection and a longer commute.

The travel map expanded quite a bit and was also filled with loads of history lessons. There was the first ever European trip into Italy – the land of pizza, football, gelato and Christianity! Also travels to Ajanta, Ellora and Rajasthan. Every trip adding more items into the “bucket list” than the ones being checked off. Also, the more I learnt, the more I realized that like Jon Snow, I know nothing about the world! 

Had decided to post one picture on Instagram everyday. It was only in early June when the streak broke. Maybe this year. All this travel has ensured that there is no dearth of pictures to be posted!

Reading is something which I would want to do more, but somehow seem unable to! Reading speeds have drastically reduced! Although did manage to complete the entire series of A Song of Ice and Fire. Best book that I read this year, would be Sapiens. Certainly a book which makes you think of your own position as a human being in this world.

New Experiences – trying different food items, catching the setting Sun over the sea, spending a day selling pottery at an Arts festival, exploring different cities on foot, walking the high-rope, somehow surviving a major wardrobe malfunction with least embarrassment, a long rain-drenched return from work as the city got flooded, tea at a tapri in the cold morning, and closing out the year with a bonfire.

So onward to 2018, which has already had a crazy start. Looking forward to learning more and staying happy and healthy!

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