Thursday, January 02, 2020

Goodbye 2019

Another year went by, but personally what an year it was!

Early in the year, the Little One arrived. And after that let's say things were a bit different. It was a fascinating time watching someone take their first tentative steps into this world. 

Of course, uninterrupted sleep became a fantasy. As did the earlier entertainment means. Movies, TV episodes and books were sneaked in. I believe this was first year in over two decades that there was no movie theatre visit! But wasn't really missed.

And now to the other events of the year.
  • Attended a couple of musical concerts and Arijit Singh simply outshines Maroon 5!
  • Also somehow found myself amidst a full constellation of "stars".
  • And I voted. Twice!
  • And there was an offshore trip to round off the year.
Now to the year 2020, which amongst other things has an extra day!

And throwing in this Backstreet Boys song which really resonated this year.

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