Title: Same As Ever: Timeless Lessons on Risk, Opportunity and Living a Good Life
Author: Morgan Housel
Genre: Non-fiction, Self-help, Life Lessons
Published: 2023
A short volume based on a simple premise that planning for the future will depend more on what will not change but remain the same? It is based on patterns which will keep repeating.
Here are a few nuggets from the book:
Risk is what's left over after you have thought of everything. (Remember the unknown unknowns)
The world is driven by envy. Lower expectations lead to more happiness.
Guiding people's attention to a single point is one of most powerful life skills.
Every market valuation is a number from today multiplied by a story about tomorrow. And stories cannot be always predicted.
The real world is a never-ending chain of absurdity, confusion and imperfect people.
Stability is destabilizing.
Accelerated artificial growth tends to backfire.
Patience and scarcity add the most value.
Remember to stay afraid because that is the best way to not make careless mistakes.
Complex to make and simple to break. Bad news is instant, good news takes time. Progress from compounding takes time and is not often noticed.
You waste years by not wasting a few hours - be a little underemployed.
Plan like a pessimist and dream like an optimist. Save like a pessimist and invest like an optimist.
An expert is always from outside (or as they say घर की मुर्गी दाल बराबर)
You never know what struggles people are hiding.
It is easier to recognize other people's mistakes than our own.
Medicine is a biological science while being a doctor is a social skill of managing people's expectations.
It's hard to predict a response till you actually experience it firsthand.
Wounds heal, scars last!
Overall, a simple yet profound concept and like the book says a good story-telling.
Previously on BookMarks: Freedom at Midnight
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